
HOJ Internship


All year long, unpaid internship opportunities are available at House of Justice™. Those eligible includes:

Law graduates seeking to prepare for the Bar Exams

Law students on holidays

Young lawyers seeking hands-on experience

Persons with a flair for Journalism

Lawyers who wrote their LLB Projects or LLM thesis in Medical Law

Psychology Graduates

Persons looking to learn Social Media Campaign Strategy

Graduates of any field of endeavour with excellent spoken English and Creative writing who are looking to venture into Media or Media Law

What you will learn

House of Justice™ has a fast-paced work environment. We seek interns who crave new learning skills and are not afraid to tackle big projects. The following are the deliverables:

Law graduates seeking to go to Law school will undergo Law school tutorials have court experience and will write a Mock Bar exam to get them prepared for the Bar Part II exams.

Work with our team on real projects on Human Rights and Media Law.

Learn how to build a corporate image and how to combine it with overarching goals in a professional setting.

Social Media campaign interns get to learn online consensus building for the ends of justice.

Ultimately, our organization seeks to retain outstanding interns as staff in available vacancies.


Our Ideal candidates should posses these qualities:





Have a flair for litigation


Proficient in spoken English and Creative Writing

Result oriented & flexible

Ability to work effectively with people of diverse backgrounds

Creative, respectful and thoughtful when interacting with online communities

Socially conscious and has interest in not-for-profit community development

Ability to think fast and come out with good results

Internship Duration

3 to 6 months

Holiday duration

A year

How to apply.

Applications may be addressed and sent all year long to:

The Human Resources Personnel, House of Justice™,

No 3A Angola Road, Barnawa Kaduna

HR@houseofjusticeng.com CC: admin@houseofjusticeng.com